Monday, 21 October 2013

Maintaining Boiler Efficiency

Checking and maintaining boiler efficiency requires regular testing to ensure that the boiler is running at optimum performance levels. Usually the range will be between 75 and 80%. If your boiler is operating at 50% and below this is a sign that regular testing and adjustments are not being done.

Making sure that your boiler is running smoothly has many benefits. For one it will reduce the energy consumption. If a boiler is working properly and efficiently maintained it will not need expensive repairs down the road. It will also mean a longer life.

So you might be wondering how to ensure and boiler efficiency and boiler maintenance in your home? Implementing this plan can be achieved by calling a trained professional. A trained professional can come out and do a routine inspection to ensure that the boiler is doing what it should be doing.

A Flue gas analyser is a toll that is used to take a reading of the exhaust gases coming from the vent system. This tool will calculate the combustion efficiency when taking into account the temperature and the make up of the gas. This test should be down at least once a year.

If the levels are below 75% this can be caused by a few things.

1) The burner is not adjusted properly

2) The water treatment is on the poor side

3) If there is an inadequate supply of combustion air or if there is an over excessive supply of the air.

4) There could also be excessive dust in the near the burner.

If the problem is caused by an inadequate air supply than there are two things that can be done.

1) Look at the combustion air intakes and be sure that there is nothing blocking the way.

2) Be sure that the intakes have adequate space for the air to flow through.

Install stack economizers to help with the water. This can be done before the water goes into the tank. By installing these stack economizers your boiler efficiency will be increased up to 4%. This will cause the water to heat to about 104 degrees Fahrenheit. This can increase the efficiency by 15%. This will be an attractive quality when there is an increased demand.

Think about checking up on the TDS. By keeping up on regular water treatment you can ensure that the boiler is working with the right level of TDS (Total Dissolved Solids). TDS is backed by blow-down. This sends the BTU's to the drain. If the boiler is working with a lower than usual TDS than it could be that the boiler is getting rid of excessive water and other chemicals.

Another way to properly maintain the boiler system is to insulate the pipes and fittings. This many not need to be done so much in the newer ones, but in the older systems it will be a benefit. Any system that is operating at over 120 degrees Fahrenheit will need to be insulated. It's not just the pipers and the fittings that need to be insulated; it's the surfaces too. Over time specific repairs and maintenance can cause the insulation to suffer. Which is why it needs to be looked after a few times a year. On average insulation on a boiler can save a person £300 a year.

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